Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Elliptical is a BITCH

 I started using my fitness pal yesterday, I am in love with it, but since I haven't been really keeping count on my calories, I realize how BAD I was really doing. Yesterday I was about 300 calories over. So I got my butt on that elliptical (we had some bad storms so I didn't go to church or the Y) I told myself, "Self, we are going to do more than 5 minutes if it kills us." And it almost did, but I made it through. Now, don't think I rocked it out last night, I did 5 minutes, stopped for 2, 5 more, stopped for 2 more, then 5 more minutes. That's right I did a total of 15 minutes on that bitch of a machine!!!! It felt GREAT, not so much today though, I am so SORE!!!!!

 Tonight I'm back at the Y for orientation at 6pm, then walk to run at 7pm. I can't wait!!!

1 comment:

  1. good for you for getting on that crazy machine! Its hard.
