Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ice Cream Madness

 Friday night B went to a sleep over, so me and Husband had a little date. Nothing major, just went to dinner and came home to watch a movie. We ate supper at Fatz, I did really good, I order the lite side sirloin and steamed broccoli, total plate is less than 500 calories. I did have a sweet tea but barely drank any of it. I know you are all thinking, "oh, she's so awesome, I want to be her" DON'T.....on our way home we stopped at Ingles to rent a movie and that's when it happened......we walked down the ce cream isle, right to the Blue Belle, I now have a half gallon of Blue Belle Buttered Pecan ice cream in my freezer. Why oh why did I let myself do it????? I'm so disappointed, I didn't workout at all yesterday. That is the reason I am up at the butt crack of dawn on a Saturday when I have no kid and Husband is off work and we could stay in bed and cuddle (or whatever), so I can get my tail to the gym!!!

 Hope all y'all have a FABULOUS weekend!!!!

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